Monday, June 6, 2011

My Last Post ignited some heated responses... here is what I have to say about it.

It seems as if I upset a few people by stating that no one has ever seen God. The responses were proofs of evidences of God, not an actually face to face meeting. Even Scripture states that part of faith "is conviction of things unseen." These "I know what is correct" comments caused me think of something I wrote a few years ago. Here goes:

One of the neatest sounds in all of God's creation is the "Heavenly Chuckle." This is the chuckle, we hear when God says, "Relax, you're taking yourselves way to seriously!"

Theology is the study of what others have to say about God. Biblical theology is about what other people have said about the Bible. Since no one has ever seen God (if you have please come forward with your evidence and give us all your confidence, because until then faith will have to do for us poor souls who have not seen God) and no one fully agrees with anyone on the Bible in its entirety, all theology is a matter of opinion.

We understand that the basic foundation of God’s teaching and the Bible is a request for us to love one another. Love here being the desire to accept one another with respect.

If we have this mutual respect we can laugh "at and with" each other. Heavenly Chuckles are to be shared with one another.

Recently a religious magazine included something along these lines, that gave me and I believe God a chuckle and I want to share it with you. I am positive I heard the "Heavenly Chuckle." Here it is, as close as I can remember.

"HOW TO RESPOND IN A CRISIS..."At an ecumenical gathering, someone rushed in and shouted, "The building is on fire!"

Methodist gathered around and prayed
Baptist cried, "Where's the water?"
Christian Scientist agreed there was no fire
Fundamentalist cried, "It's the vengeance of God!"
Lutherans nailed a notice on the door declaring the fire was not justified
Quakers quietly praised God for the blessings the fire would bring
Jews posted symbols above the door hoping the fire would pass over
Congregationalist shouted, "Everyone for themselves!"
Church of Christ went to a corner and kept the news all to themselves
Episcopalians formed a procession and marched out in grand style
Catholics sold tickets for a wiener roast
Buddhist looked forward to the experience
Moslems said, "Whatever will be, will be."
Presbyterians elected a chairperson, who was to appoint a committee to look into the matter.

Yes, we all have different understandings and view points about God, but we still are beholden to a Creator (I still call God) for all things. Perhaps the last laugh is on us. Maybe we are here only for fellowship with God and best of all for God's amusement. I can almost hear God chuckle at our serious reactions to such a notion. of the subject. Ain't God neat? elected a chairperson, who was to appoint a committee to look into the matter. said, "Whatever will be, will be." looked forward to the experience; sold tickets for a wiener roast; formed a procession and marched out in grand style; went to a corner and kept the news all to themselves; shouted, "Everyone for themselves!"; posted symbols above the door hoping the fire would pass over; quietly praised God for the blessings the fire would bring; nailed a notice on the door declaring the fire was not justified; cried, "It's the vengeance of God!"; agreed there was no fire; cried, "Where's the water?"; gathered around and prayed;

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