Saturday, December 22, 2012

New Age of Sense and Sensibility!

My 2012 Christmas Message: New Age of Sense and Sensibility!
     I waited until today, December 22, 2012 to write my Christmas Message. After all if the Doomsday people had been correct, there would be no Christmas 2012. But I believe and pray that the Mayans were correct in that today is the first day of a new era! And what I pray about that new era is that this world that has gone mad with greed and hatred would return to being a world of Sense and Sensibility.
    Just think what it would be like to have leaders in government, religion, finances, business, education, military, marketing, entertainment and every other profession show us common folk some good old fashion common sense and sensibility about decency about everything.  Instead of “what’s in it for me?” let it be, “what does this do for my neighbor?”
    In my faith my Holy Scripture teaches in John 3:17, “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” And Jesus’ basic message was we are called to respect our fellow beings on this planet we call Earth. Respect regardless of the differences to us. Respect as to their well being in regards to my acts and belief in life.
    This Christmas let us make our gift the acceptance of a new era, as predicted by the ancient Mayans, and live lives that reflect Sense and Sensibility in all things! If we can maybe Christmas will last all year long! Have a Great New Year and a New Era!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Holy Days and Pagan Days

  It’s that time of the year. Where do we draw the line between “Christian” and “pagan” customs, such as Halloween, Christmas, and Easter? These three more popular special days all have a connection to some “pagan holiday” in terms of time of the year and the kind of celebration. The only holy day (holiday) that is nearly pure in its Christian origin is Pentecost (A Jewish Holy Day), which celebrates the birth of the first church.
  So what should I do about these pagan slanted days and my own faith? Should I support them, boycott them vigorously, ignore them, or keep them in perspective with my faith and ethics?
  In my youth I understood from my particular church that they were against a or any special day for celebrating Christmas, and if I recall, it also felt the same about Easter. I don’t recall anything big about Halloween. Our town always had a great big Halloween party on Front Street with awards for best kinds of costumes, vats to dunk for apples, cider and powdery donuts, and lots of pumpkin jack-o-lanterns.
  But even though our church didn’t celebrate Christmas and Easter, almost all of the members did. We just looked upon it as a cultural holiday. As I have matured, I have seen how that distinction has greatly expanded. Christmas and Easter are Special Marketing seasons for American retailers. Their coffers have benefitted from these celebrations. Our economy depends upon them.
  When was Jesus born? Exactly what happened at Easter? Neither question is of concern to the retailers celebration. That is why in most Churches we take a special evening and a special morning to celebrate these events within the walls of our church. That is my major separation.
  Paul taught the followers of Christ that they are in the world, but not of it. So my special religious events are celebrated with my own people, and I don’t impose them on others.
  In turn I can pick and choose within my own society or culture which special days I want to celebrate and which ones I don’t. It is the same option I had when I lived in or visited other countries. I found some of the Greek, Mexican, German, and Israeli holidays to be great fun! I enjoyed getting to know the people in the places where I traveled. I never once took on their celebrations as my own.
  The same is true in my own country. When I walk around and feel surrounded by the retail Christmas, which starts in early October, I don’t take them on as my own. They are popular, so somebody must like them.
  I don’t believe there can ever be a culture totally based on one set of religious standards. Ever where I look, I see “religious based countries” with deep religious divisions within themselves. Unfortunately the religious bullies try to reign over the others, and ruin it for all. I see this today in the major Moslem movements throughout the world. They don’t care to share their space with anyone different.
  So where do I draw the line between religious and cultural celebrations? I keep the religious ones within my religious body, and pick and chose which cultural ones I will celebrate. Let’s see I love chocolate bunnies, powdered donuts, and cider. I hate the loneliness and stress I see in people around our retail orientated Christmas, because suicides increase and people go deep in debt to satisfy children seduced by clever marketing tools. It is a season of depressions of all kinds.
  In my life there is no line needed between pagan and Christian, because they are two separate worlds. In my spiritual world a man’s word is honored. It ain’t so in the one where I now live.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Angels Are Real But Not Like the Paintings
Angels are a hot topic these days for TV and publishers. It isn’t uncommon to hear conversations about whether or not people even believe in angels.
  Discussions, such as that, are a waste of time. But it would be the same in a laboratory if someone asked do we believe in atoms. No one has ever seen them, so why can’t we question it? Growth in the scientific world is built upon collected data. As long as the data supports previous conclusions we can continue accepting it as a fact, not a belief. Believing says, “I hope this or that.” Fact says, “I know this much to be true.”
  In Hebrew the word is malak. In Greek the word is angelos. Both words  mean messenger. I don’t mean I believe they mean messenger, I know from fact they mean messenger. Their most common use in Scripture denotes spiritual and superhuman beings, who are messengers from God. There are only a few books of the 66 books in the Bible that do not mention these messengers (malak or angelos): Ruth, Nehemiah, Esther, the epistles of John and James. The doctrine of these messengers or angels became more distinct in the later periods of Jewish history. Angels are more significant in the New Testament writings. Angels appear more frequently with the coming of Jesus, whom we call Lord.
  According to Jesus (Joshua in Hebrew) angels are personal, sinless, immortal beings, existing in great numbers, and in close relation with individuals and the history of the kingdom of God. They appear to us in human form. We know little of the history of the angels themselves.
  The denial of the existence of Angels comes from attempting to define them with natural or physical laws or facts. If in a research laboratory we attempted to define something in the chemical arena with laws of physics we would produce a lot of confusion and misunderstandings. Any theories derived from this method would be wrong and incomprehensible. The first thing in all growth of knowledge is to establish a basic truth in a particular arena and build on it.
  To comprehend angels or messengers from God, it is important to understand the foundation of their existence is in the spiritual realm, the realm beyond space and time. In my tradition we happen to call that the kingdom of God. Scripture for me is like the laboratory notes of other people. It is their understanding and conclusions built upon what others before them have discovered about the kingdom of God. Some theologians call this revelations, and I agree.
  In Scripture angels have real value to humans. They force us to widen our view and understanding of God's creation. They give us a better insight into the position of Christ. They give us a glimpse into the other world. The are an example of how God's perfect joy works. They also remind us of the high rank of human beings. Angels deliver us messages from God. Not speculations or opinions, but direct revelations of something God wants us to know. In a manner of speaking,  God simply eliminated the middle man (prophet) so there will be no misunderstanding.
Sunday, Dec 23, for the vast majority of Christians around the world is the Angel Sunday of Advent. It celebrates the direct revelation that the Messiah was being born that day. Not if you believe. It declares we believe for a fact the Messiah was born. Period! End of Story! Now build on that information or fact. Thank God for angels. If God had chosen to bring that information through inspiration to a human, we would have studied it six ways to Sunday and split seventy different ways in our interpretation. In the end nothing new would have come out of it except a lot of books stating opinions as fact. Thank God for angels. The angel that resides and oversees us agrees!    

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Time for new Eagles

Two recent conversations struck me funny. One person asked, "How do you know which group is God’s people?" The other asked, "Who calls a person to be a pastor? the people? the elders? or God?" Answers to both questions depend upon your view of religion. Is it a personal or corporate thing? This little story may clarify.
There were two baby eagles in the nest, all alone for several days. Their parents went to forage for food and never returned. Perhaps they were now trophies displayed in some great hunters den. Meanwhile the eaglets realized they were now on their own. They must do something if they were to survive.
It was a big drop over the side of the nest. But they must risk it. It would be their first flight. As the went into the air their wings weren’t strong enough to give them flight, but enough to gently take them to the ground. They landed near the edge of the forest where a flock of turkeys were assembled.
Now, how many of you know that turkeys always stay in a flock. The focus of their lives is pecking out a daily living. They are short sighted, so they never plan ahead. When there is danger they run for cover. Once a turkey always a turkey.
But as turkeys go, this flock that was assembled were a nice bunch. As a group they were very friendly. They looked out for one another. They had compassion for the baby eagles, who had landed. So they raised and nurtured them to be good little turkeys. They taught them to focus on earning a daily living and fitting into the group. The little eaglets, also were taught not to take risk or challenge authorities. As they grew they became very good at keeping their beaks to the grindstone. Even their religious views remained inward, regional and self-serving. The good little turkey eaglets helped the leaders maintain control over the entire flock. The future seemed secure and all was right in the world. Or so it seemed.
One day one of the turkey eaglets, who was now a pastor, was fired from his job. The elders thought he was getting to big for his feathers, when he begin to examine and question certain traditions in the church. At the same time, the other turkey eaglet asked his pastor if God ever talked to him and if so, how did the pastor know it was God talking. The pastor was very upset with his question and told him not to concern himself with that question. The elders would decide for him.
Days later the two young turkey eaglets were walking near the edge of the forest. Both were filled with despair. Inside them they ache to learn more about God. More then just what was found in books written by turkeys. While they were good little turkeys inside, there still beat the heart of an eagle inside.
As they walked they noticed a great bird soaring high in the sky. Eagles can see far ahead and always forage for food for the days ahead. When there is trouble they rise far above it and only swoop down for survival. As they watched they heard, "Who, who!" When they looked up they saw a wise old owl. In life, we are fortunate to meet such beings filled with wisdom.
The old owl asked if they knew who that was soaring so high in the sky. They anxiously said they did not. The owl replied that it was an eagle, the greatest bird in the sky. The turkey eaglets were awestruck. The owl asked if they knew they were just like that bird. Oh no! They were good little comfortable turkeys with degrees from good turkey schools. You know the ones that teach people to be exactly like everyone else.
But their curiosity got the best of them. Perhaps their eagle hearts pumped a little faster. They asked how they could know for sure if they were in fact like the great soaring eagle. The wise teacher told them to go out of the forest into the field and begin flapping their wings. So they did. As they stretched and flapped the turkeys in the forest were highly agitated. How could they go against tradition and all the elders wisdom? As the flapped they slowly begin to rise and as they rose they got braver and braver. As they got braver they flew higher and higher, until they were soaring like the great bird. They had become eagles! Each of us has to live with turkeys, but we don’t have to let them keep us from soaring like eagles.
God calls pastors to congregations. The elders may examine and determine the terms of call. The people may confirm God’s call on a person. But, only God can take a person away. The elders may ask it, but only the people can confirm it. Of course, I write of eagle style organizations and not the ones run by turkeys.
God speaks to people and only those people know if God is speaking to them. How? If it comes true it must have been from God. If not it wasn’t. Do I speak the word of God? Only time determines if a person was a eagle. Most eagles in the Bible, and particularly the chief eagle, were rejected by the religious turkeys of their day. But eagles don’t acted on things according to how turkeys will react. They act on things because that is what they feel God wants them to do. And until they act they will never know if it was from God. That doesn’t scare eagles, but it frightens the heck out of turkeys.
The world is in a great disarray over the religious conflicts scattered all over the planet. Why? The turkeys are in control and the eaglets are either afraid or indifferent. Why? Greed? Power? Fame? Or anyone of the thousands of underlying motivations of sin.
Its time foe a modern day Abraham or Moses to say, "Lets flap our wings and rise above these turkeys."
(I want to thank an old friend a Southern Baptist preacher and author for the basics of the turkey eagle story. His name is Peter Lord. He told me to say, "This is Lord’s story!")

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

When times seem hopeless

After reading the newspaper and listening to the news I am having a difficult time being optimistic. Have you faced a moment in life when everything seemed hopeless in advance? In other words have you ever found yourself in a hopeless situation with no hope in sight?
Jewish tradition has a famous story that only those over thirty may read. The Book of Ezekiel the prophet, who preached during the time Jerusalem fell to Nebuchadnezzar in 587 BCE. Prior to the fall he preached judgement. Afterwards words of consolation and restoration. His most well-known is the vision of the dry bones showing the dead might live again.
The opening lines of that story are among the most important in the whole Bible. They witness a time when the power of God actually breaks into history and gives new direction to the people of God. In this famous story there is a message of hope for those who have lost all grounds for hope.
And the preacher must speak the words where it seems there is none to hear. It seems as if the message creates its own hearers. Even after a nation, a church, or a person seems to have died there is hope. There is with God the possibility of life from the dead. No situation is hopeless, no matter how dead a person feels.
Ezekiel also speaks of the Spirit. It lies beyond all that can be seen and measured. It is the breath of life. The Spirit stands for vitality. It caused John to quote Jesus saying, "Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these ..."
The Spirit is in the people of God as the breath of life which comes from God. We are said to be "inspired" or "possessed" by the Spirit when we are lifted beyond are normal self and become for those moments the instrument of a power not our own. We are alive in a new way!
Until then we are to be like Ezekiel. We are to be faithful to our present tasks, even though there is little prospect of success. The world is bigger, richer, more wonderful than we imagine; therefore let us continue being faithful to our present tasks. There is no limit to what God may do; at any moment God may break into history and transform our present situation; therefore let us serve God according to our knowledge, leaving it to God whether or not to continue the discipline of our failure or transform our frustration and failure into God's marvelous success.
Today we all hoping God will break into history again and bring life to a hopeless situation. This time it must be for the whole world!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Nationalism or God

In an old classic comedy sketch, Jack Benny is being greeted by a would be mugger. The jittery stick-up man cries nervously, "Your money or your life!" After what seemed like an eternity the high-strung stick-up anxiously shouts, "I said, your money or your life!"
Finally, Mr. Benny folds his arms and calmly replies, "I'm thinking; I'm thinking." - a classic response.
Once upon a time a court jester displeases a king. So the king orders him put to death. Since the jester had been a member of the royal court for many years, the king says, "I will let you decide how you are to die." The condemned jester slowly responds, "Most exalted ruler, if it is all the same to you, I choose to death by old age." - a classic response.
It is like the classic response when Jesus is confronted by a circle of religious and jealous folk who are trying to trap him with a question that seems not to have a correct answer. Should the Jews pay taxes to Caesar? If Jesus says they must not pay taxes, he certainly will be arrested for treason. If he says they should, he will bring on the fury of those following him.
It is kind of like this old trick - "Please answer my question with only a yes or no. Do you still beat your spouse?"
Again, Jesus introduces a new understanding of these old questions. "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and render unto God what is God's." Simple, direct yet revolutionary. There is a distinct difference between the world system and the system of the kingdom of God. A wise person understands this and picks fruit of both trees.
In terms of the individual: Jesus teaches there are worldly obligations, that should be met. We must care for ourselves and those we choose to include in our lives, including employers and the country we live in. At every age we are called to be concerned with our physical and emotional well being; to educate ourselves to the best and highest level possible (There is no excuse for not learning basic survival skills such as reading, writing and arithmetic); and to give a good day's work for a good day's wage. Our earthly responsibilities should be taken seriously and with honesty.
Jesus is saying we are not to neglect our responsibility toward God by not growing spiritually and increasing our love of God and humanity. Our realm of God responsibilities should be taken seriously and with honesty.
In terms of the church: Jesus seems to be saying keep physical and organizational structures in tip top shape. Honor God with your tithes and gifts. Use the money wisely.
He challenges the church to develop its spiritual side, which is done through study, worship and prayer.
In terms of the nation: Remember we choose to live where we live and have the ability to elect our leaders. Honor your leaders by position not personalities.
He again is saying there is an aspect of any nation, that is granted by God. That is the idea of community. We are all responsible to a higher power, so give credence to others.
In terms of the world: Everything in the world is temporary. Everything with God is permanent. Pick the fruits of your labor in both worlds, but eat them all at the table God has prepared for you.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Is Peace Possible

All my academic and life experiences have led me to this conclusion:
1) every human being on this planet is accountable to the Creator for his or her moral character. 2) no one can discover peace or further dimensions of life if they refuse to acknowledge a creative authority.
3) Individual and Societal peace of mind and society cannot be found without commitment to the basic tenets of honor.
For today, let’s set aside the debate about whether or not there is a creative force and if so by what name? Let’s examine what it means to be accountable.
Five words come to mind when one examines the word accountable:
agreeable, answerable, open, citizen and responsible.
is accepting other’s ideas to be as valid as yours. You let others talk as much as you do, because you know the more facets you have the better the diamond. Answerable is to know everyone answers to someone. Every wake in the water rocks every boat in the harbor. How much depends on the stability of both boats. Remember the ad? "Ring around the collar" the woman feels guilt because her husband’s shirt has ring around the collar. Did anyone ever ask, Why didn’t the husband wash his neck?"
Open is being the opposite of closed minded. No one snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible. No raindrop in a flood ever feels responsible. No one person in a war ever feels responsible. No one person in a book burning community ever feels responsible. Yet we are all responsible for the greater community and issue.
Citizen is any resident of my street, community, state, nation, continent, and world. No person can withdraw from life. We cannot isolate ourselves in any corner of this planet, it is too large and still growing. Every person’s actions affect others. A good citizen understands this fact.
Responsible is to fulfill our duty to others. God so loved the world. The whole world, not just some of it or one particular people or area. People who blame others for the problems of the world haven’t begun to learn about life. People who blame themselves for the problems of the world have begun their education. AND people who blame no one for the world’s problems have finished their education. Being responsible is being educated about life.
Sin is to miss the mark or violate the law of love. Accept this as part of the landscape of life and accept the fact that love or holiness can only come through blameless people accountable to God.
The question? Do we feel more accountable to ourselves, family, religion, causes, nation, or world, than we do toward God? If so, I believe we cannot survive.
It saddens me to see the resurgence of isolationism and exclusivity that dominated the World in the 1930's and made a war possible. A war caused by persons who felt only accountable to themselves. Too be accountable, I must respect everyone regardless of gender, race, nationality or religion. Let’s not make our community or world an exclusive isolated island, because if we do we will never experience the fullness of creation as God intended it to be.
Whether you are Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Roman or Orthodox Catholic, Protestant, Reformer, Mormon, or whatever does not help anyone if your belief causes someone to hate enough to kill another for what they believe. We need a renewal in the area of who we all answer to in this life without getting into an argument over the name, gender, and color of our common Creator. If we don’t we will see the world in the worst conflagration it has ever experienced. Peace on Earth and Good Will to All is more than a slogan, it is our only hope.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Aromatic Christian - do you stink or are you sweet?

Almost every week I charge my congregation to be "Aromatic Christians" in the week ahead. Meaning their lives should give evidence of their faith. If you have to tell someone you are a Christian, you probably should keep your mouth shut.
The label Christian was first used by people of other faiths, who saw the actions of the people and said, "There go the followers (disciples) of Christ." This is the basic definition of Christian.
Theologically a Christian, by our definition, is one who has received the Spirit of God and all the authority that entails.
In this small detail lies the basic problem between most religions (in all religions the believer is touched by the divine spirit). Give authority to some people and they grow; give it to others and they swell. Being a part of creation is an awesome position. It means you represent a force that causes life! It causes things to exist! When you walk in the woods you are walking with your family, for we are related to everything that exist. You are a "little one" of God. The God and power who causes life. You represent the creator of all life!
This reminds us that all who come as representatives of their Creator God, should be given respect. Do we respect all those things of God? The environment? Society? Other people? Our faith? Perhaps if we remember that we also are a representative of the creator it might change your approach to others.
We are each a representative - we only represent God. If we work for a company and they send us to visit a customer we cannot represent something to the customer the company will not do. Ambassadors understand that very well. Another English word for ambassador is apostle. They were/are representatives of Jesus. Jesus was/is a representative of God. We need only to project what/who we represent - the God of life and love.
There is no room or tolerance for those who come in the name of God and represent death and hate; condemnation and rejection; and self centeredness. By represent, I mean how we influence others by our words, actions and attitudes. No one can influence others to live on a higher level than that on which they live themselves. Just one act of ours may turn the tide of another person's life.
When God says to a person, "Well done thou faithful servant," it signifies that God feels that person represented God well. They gave of the aroma of love, grace, and acceptance; not hate, condemnation, and rejection. They were Christ like.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Religion and Astrology

Recently public polls indicated millions of U.S. citizens believe in Astrology. They also revealed over ten percent of Evangelical Christians believed in Astrology at that time. What is Astrology?
Astrology is a belief system based on the assumption that the stars and planets mysteriously influence our lives. Four distinct beliefs within astrology are: 1) it is a study of the heavenly bodies and their influences on our lives. 2) it is a science of certain cryptic relationships between celestial bodies and our lives. 3) it is the effect of planetary vibrations on our lives. 4) it is a means of interpreting symbols that effect our lives.
Ancient Astrology believed that: 1) planets are gods. 2) emanations or influences from planets rule and affect the Earth. 3) Stars and planets are symbols that when interpreted guide our lives.
To understand the basic concepts of these astrological beliefs, one needs to know the basics of all belief systems.
Imagine a huge glass ball with a thin white belt encircling it. According to astrology, the glass ball is the celestial sphere. The white belt encircling the glass ball is the Zodiac. Divide the white belt into 12 sections. Each of these sections is given a name. The name is of a symbolic animal or man representing the imaginary constellations known as Aries the ram, Virgo the virgin, Leo the lion, Gemini the twins, etc. These symbols of animals and men are called the "signs of the Zodiac".
Signs of the Zodiac are known as Sun-signs. Houses are the twelve sections of the Zodiac. Combined together, they symbolize every aspect of life. According to this theory the planets move through the houses. A person's horoscope is "map" of the heavens at the moment of their birth. An aspect refers to the angles between the planets. All of these elements collectively are then used to guide a person through life. A method used by millions of people in many lands through out the known history of mankind.
But no one has accurately recorded 4000 years of humanity's astrological experience. And if they had, why are there so many conflicting astrological theories? Surely, there must be some concrete proof that astrology is a valid science or belief system. Or is just a concept that gives comfort and excuses?
Perhaps Astrology is popular because it claims to provide important information that people want to know. Astrology claims to provide people with information that will: 1) protect them, 2) bring them success, 3) guide them, 4) predict their future, and 5) help them understand themselves.
Astrology apparently offers people the belief that they can "control" their own destiny, and it also provides them a ready-made justification for failure or sin. Above all, astrology sells hope.
For most astrologers, the idea of pantheism (all is god; god is all) defines their belief in a god. Their god is nature, which includes the heavens and earth.
Of course it goes directly against the Judaeo-Christian-Islamic belief of a God, who created all of the heavens and earth. Our God is beyond space and time. Our God acknowledges our world to be a difficult place in which to live. Our God knows, we lack control of our lives in both the present and the future. Our God sent the anointed, "Holy" Spirit of God to strengthen us, to give us self control in the present, and finally to assure us of our future.
So why do people still look else where for guidance and comfort?
Because the system established by our God, the creator of everything, puts God at the center of our existence. The systems established by Astrology, a collection of human teachings, put humanity at the center of existence. The original downfall of humanity was this desire to be like God.
Which system is best? If you look at the history of humanity it isn't very encouraging. The more self-centered we become, the more evil we seem to be to each other. On the other hand the original hope and peace God has promised from the very beginning is unchanged.
So it seems to be a simple choice: 1) pick a self centered human created means of guiding your life and providing you hope. Or 2) choose a simplistic God centered means with over 4000 years of statistical data and evidence to back it up. Follow the heavens or follow the one, who created them.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Are all Israelites Jews?

This quote is from a recent letter sent to me, " I am appalled at some of the things you said in the article... (Feb 13). A man who claims to be a teacher of God’s word and yet shows a lack of knowledge of the Bible is appalling. I am going to be nice and take a Priscilla and Aquila approach rather than exposing you publicly to your readers and parishioners by writing to the Editor. In case you don’t know who Priscilla and Aquila are, you can read about them in Acts 18:24-26."
I am guessing that the writer assumes he is Apollos for me. Apollos was an influential member of the early church. 1st Corinthians is our primary source on Apollos. Paul wrote it after a significant personal association with Apollos. Apollos apparently was an important member of one of the four parties in the Corinthian church. Yes, even in the beginning there were differences of opinion. And it appears that Apollos was trained by Paul and that is why he carried much influence. I am not sure who trained my modern day Apollos, but his letter seems to reflect a great deal of confidence of his knowledge. Evidently that is why he feels more than qualified to correct me.
How did my Apollos correct me? First he took exception to my statement, "John’s baptism was for people, converting to Judaism." My Apollos wrote that John preached to Jews not to Gentiles. If a teacher’s only resource for study is a Bible written in English, he might be correct.
But, how did I come up with that statement? First, all Jews are Israelis, but all Israelis are not Jews. The nation of Israel under Saul, David, and Solomon was split in two sections. The northern kingdom was called Israel and it was composed of 9 ½ tribes of the original Israel. The capital was Samaria (yes, the good Samaritan was an Israelis). The southern kingdom was called Judah and it was composed of 2 ½ tribes. Its capital was Jerusalem.
Both nations eventually fell and in the approximate two hundred years before Christ there were many factions trying to restore the Kingdom of Israel (not Judah) and throw off the Roman yoke. Within the territory surrounding Jerusalem the movement gained much speed and there were many movements and several so called messiahs. The Dead Sea scrolls have revealed much about this zealous movement. Men like John the Baptist were warning of the coming of the messiah over this same period. And some Jewish leaders, who had gained power under the Roman yoke, were apposed to these wilderness preachers.
Who was the target audience of these evangelist? All of the children of Israel, which did include those descendants of the southern kingdom, whom were called Jews, and the descendants of the northern kingdom called Israelis. Yes, historically many have referred to them as the lost tribes of Israel, but history has proven they weren’t really lost after all, just diffused.
My modern day Apollos said that Jesus came to tear down the wall that separated the Jews and Gentiles. On the other hand I, Dennis Bennett, have come to understand that Jesus came to fulfill the covenant of Abraham, which predates the nation of Israel. Jesus made mockery of the religious leaders and the religious laws, because he taught the kingdom of God is at hand, as it is in every generation. In other words, just as God said to Abraham, follow me in faith, Jesus is saying for us to be like him and follow God in faith, forsaking all others.
How could Jesus say for his people to avoid the Gentiles and go only for the lost sheep of Israel, if the Jews and Israelis (Gentiles) were all children of the nation of Israel? Scripture has never answered that question for me. Yes, Mr. Apollos I do study Scripture. But, I also study other writings from that era and throughout Christian history. In them I have discovered a more dynamic story than what is confined to the Bible. Jesus and his followers were fantastic men and women with great spiritual strength. And from the very beginning of time the followers of Christ have been challenged by the religious lovers of the law.
Again I must also challenge my friend Apollos of today, when he advocates that only certain people are empowered by the Holy Spirit. That brand of theology leads to the power of the church being held in the hands of a select few. That was one of the primary things Jesus opposed. The Holy Spirit empowers every follower of Christ Jesus. Scripture says that no one can confess Jesus Christ as Lord without the Holy Spirit. Jesus also taught we the church (And no Mr. Apollos, you were way off when you said you assume I meant buildings when I say "Church.") In the Greek the followers of Christ were labeled Koinia or community of believers or Body of Christ or Church of Christ. It is empowered people of God, who have chosen Jesus to be their Lord as well as the way, truth, and life for them in their attempt to worship God and be Christ like in this life.
In short, my article that you opposed and used to declared me appalling had a simple message. It was to inform every follower of Christ, that they are empowered with the same Spirit that Christ was empowered with, so it is not unreasonable of God to ask us to be Christ like. For being Christ like is what draws people to become members of the community of believers.
So to my modern day Apollos I say thank you for being kind enough to express your opinion. And as to you exposing me to the public and my parishioners, I think after ten years they are pretty sure of who I am as a teacher. They know that I welcome many points of view. After all the more facets a diamond has the more valuable and brilliant it is to us.
There is a lot that I don’t know, but one thing I know for sure I never play fast and loose with my role as a teacher. You can accuse me of coming to a different conclusion that you, but not twisting of the truth. I know that three years with Bill Bright’s studies, eight years of college, studies in Hebrew and Greek, living in Greece and the Middle East, passing a doctoral written and oral exam on the Bible, are only a scratch to what is to be educated, but I think it does give me the right to ask you not to call me ignorant about my faith.
If you really want to help me, why not help me start an ecumenical Bible study with people (men and women) from every facet of the Christian Church, regardless if we agree with their theology or not? Waiting to hear from you. Stop by for coffee and we can have fun debating the unknown realm of God. Blessings to you Apollos.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Holiness vs Fanaticism

Question: Where to draw the line between dedication to holiness and religious fanaticism (in light of the cowardly terrorist activity since 9/11?

What is holiness? What is religious fanaticism?
Holiness is a measurement of a person’s divine nature. How godly a person are they? Understanding what holiness is, requires an understanding of what divine identity is defined. If the divine being is a loving identity, holiness is a measurement of one’s loving nature. If the divine being is a wrathful God, who will destroy any opposition, then holiness is a measurement of one’s triumphs over any opposing ideas or definitions.
Religious fanaticism is an intolerance of any religious beliefs that do not fully align with our own. This covers every religious belief from the far left to the far right, if the person is avidly intolerant of any religious belief, other than their own.
In ancient times this was only a problem when two religious ideas crossed paths. The world’s societies or cultures were divided by religious beliefs. A person’s neighbors were of the same faith as they. As populations grew and humanity became more mobile and urban, people found themselves with neighbors of different religious views.
These new neighborhoods of mixed views taxed the concept of holiness. If a person’s holiness was a measure of their love of their fellow beings, they would never attack anyone else’s beliefs. They would always forgive, while turning the other cheek. The classic example of this was killed by his neighbors. Any person who truly follows this way of holiness will always end up in some form of crucifixion, not triumph, on this Earth.
If a person’s holiness is to prove here on Earth that their religion or understanding of the divine is the one and only true one, they will always attack the beliefs of others. They will live by the sword and die by the sword. Their earthly triumphs are never permanent, because someone always eventually attacks and defeats them.
So is it futile? Where can we draw the line, so each can survive as neighbors? I am not sure any longer. I thought we could exist side by side, but the attackers don’t like to heard disagreeing ideas, no matter how philosophical it might be. So, may be we are headed back to the dark ages, when neighborhoods were divided over religious differences.
Perhaps we could let each group build a wall around their cities and allow no one but true believers into their particular neighborhood. Let them all sign a treaty that says they will keep their noses out of the business of the other cities and neighborhoods. I think its called isolationism.
Wait a minute, isn’t that what they are doing with the Gaza strip? North Korea? Saudi Arabia? and other places? It is even close to home, with the blossoming congregations in several religions. These growing groups are against anyone with different views. The people inside these movements usually don’t really know for sure what their religion is in truth, but they love the comfort of being surrounded with fellow believers. Just like living in a village around the castle with a king protecting you.
I guess the line to draw between dedication to holiness and religious fanaticism is a circle and allow in only people like me - And to Hell with the rest. Or forget any line at all and respect my fellow human beings and their beliefs - And be fanatical about it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Crossing the Rubicon

The phrase "Crossing the Rubicon" stems from Julius Ceasar’s crossing the Rubicon River on Jan 11, 49 BC. The act of crossing the river was considered an act of war by Ceasar against Pompey and the Roman Senate. He acknowledge that his act was an irrevocable one, when he uttered the phrase, "The die is cast."
Great changes came about in the Roman Empire that extended its grand world position an extra three or four hundred years. It was in rapid decline with leaders, heroes, entertainers, businessmen, and priest acting utterly acting out of self-interest. The nobility of being concern with the welfare of the people was lost in the drive to nab power in any which way you could.
On November 6, 2012 I wonder if our great nation is facing another Rubicon Crossing. Since the 1960's we have been approaching the banks of our Rubicon and I believe we have arrived. It is time not for change but renewal of the Founding Father’s original intent - Freedom for the individual with responsibility for the whole. This was a unique conception, and when Washington made his river crossing, "the die was cast’ and a unique Constitutional Freedom evolved.
That original intent built a nation where immigrants were proud to come in through the front door; where wealthy individuals were philanthropic toward educational, medical, and social endeavors; heroes were modest and remembered their roots; politicians were not career people; religious leaders were more interested in souls than their own image and wealth; businessmen looked upon their employees as their personal responsibility in terms of financial survival; and the individual citizenry voted for principles and not images.
When did we lose our responsibility for the whole? I believe my generation planted it and those following developed it into what we see today - fewer and fewer wealthy philanthropic acts; breast beating heroes with lifestyles that belong in a pigsty; lifetime politicians who stay beyond their usefulness; religious leaders who represent violence in words and deeds; greedy businessmen are more the norm than not; and citizenry who don’t vote, but will never fail to complain when they don’t get their share of the Pork Barrel.
Everybody is calling for change, but it is time for renewal more than change. We need to go back to the basics with changed ideas. When Washington cast the die at that river it was for basically an all white male, liberal Christian society that honored the working man. His Rubicon Crossing brought a simple social system to this group that for the first time in modern history - a nation where all were concerned with freedom for the individual with responsibility for the whole.
The renewal is needed today with a few changes in concept. Substitute the phrase white male for all humans; add basic respect of all beliefs and individuals for liberal Christian; and expand the concept of honor to mean respect, educate, and enable individuals to fulfill their destinies in life and to accept their own responsibilities for self and the whole equally.
Now, all I have to do is find another Caesar or Washington to lead us across today’s Rubicon.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

God's True Judgement

Tired of reading about what is bad with people? Did you know God only judges on our holiness? There are no heavenly scales that weigh our good acts against our bad. God addresses solely the goodness in our lives at the judgement seat.
This seat as identified in Scripture in the Book of Revelation is just for those people, who have successfully finished a race. They come and stand in front of the judgement seat to receive their awards for performance.
In the Christian faith the only people, who finish the race are the ones, who have eternal life and citizenship in the Kingdom of Light (Kingdom of God). In the gospels, they are the ones, who have been born from above ("born again" is an inappropriate translation). They are the ones, according to Jesus, who love God above all things and their neighbor as themselves. Jesus understood the Holy Spirit is needed to do those two things. The same Spirit that gives eternal life.
At judgement, God will judge us as to how much of our lives we have turned over to the control of the Spirit. In other words, how holy are we? Which is truly good news, when compared with the works concept which balances good against the bad. Oh, I know there are people, who believe their good works out weigh their bad works. In the Spiritual realm they are immature beings, who actually believe they can gain eternal life on their own faith. They totally ignore the essential place of God’s Spirit in the great scheme of things.
Whenever we pray believing and ask God to forgive us, God is just and forgives us. Now comes the tremendous news of God’s grace. When God forgives a person, it is forgotten about for all eternity. It is gone! It is out of my life! This constant cleansing allows God’s people to work more on their goodness, instead of agonizing over their badness. That’s the basic good news I find in Christ Jesus, who God used to make this extra-ordinary formula work.
For this reason God challenges us to love one another. By this God means not judge, which means no evaluation or concern for my negative side, because that is between me and God. Instead we accept people for the goodness they have, no matter what level it has obtained.
What a wonderful world! A place where we only see good in people! Children will no longer tease others for their imperfections. Adults will not go to war to prove others wrong. People of God will join hands and let their light outshine all the darkness of this world. Yeah, I like that idea. We only deal with the good, just like God does it.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Stargazers and Navelgazers this Memorial Day and Pentecost

Memorial Day and Pentecost
Two people were looking at their town, where they had both spent their entire lives. Then one asked, "If you were all-powerful, what would you do?" The other replied, "I'd build walls around the entire town, so great that nothing would endanger this beautiful city."
The first old friend pushed his lips together and responded, "I'd lift the town high above all danger."
We humans seem to build walls of full of laws and controls around our communities and churches believing they will hold back the flow of evil.
But God lifts a person up by the Spirit, far above the reach of humanity’s destructive forces.
Prior to Pentecost God would reach down to one person or group and lifted them above the tides of destruction, as needed.
At Pentecost God let the Spirit loose for every child of God. No longer do we need to be over run with evil. The Spirit will always lifts us higher.
Our dock in the river is a platform, and the buoyant force beneath it, keeps it afloat.
We (Church) are like that dock. The outer area is where we enjoy, care for and expand our lives. God gives us, the church, a buoyant force - Holy Spirit. Thru the Spirit we ar able to rise above the common level of life. We are able to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong. We can live high above the troubled waters of life.
Paraphrasing Gal 5:19-26, The acts of human nature are obvious: sexual transgression; love of idols and mysticism; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissension, gangs, and envy; drunkenness, orgies, etc..
But the Holy Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
To live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
Let us not be conceited, provoking and envying each other.
A sunken dock has no life. It is no fun!
A Church without the Spirit has no life. It has no fun!
A spiritual church is more powerful than a religious church.
A patriotic nation is more powerful than an oppressor nation.
Citizens who want a free lunch and have a sheep like attitude are the backbone of an oppressor nation.
Patriotic soldiers who give their lives (physically and emotionally) in the defense of freedom are the backbone of a truly patriotic nation.
Legalistic (my way or the highway) worshipers of laws are the greedy self-centered backbone of a religious church.
Spirit filled people who put God above all things are the backbone of a spiritual church.
Religiosity and Oppression cost you everything.
Patriotism and Pentecost cost you nothing.
Religiosity and Oppression are the Hallmarks of Navelgazers.
Patriotism and Pentecost are the Hallmarks of Stargazers.
Are you self centered or God centered?
This Sunday let the Spirit of God fill you at worship and then Monday celebrate Memorial Day and fill your thanks for all of patriotic men and women who gave their lives in defense of freedom. It is time for the Stargazers to be lifted up in our churches and our nation!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Law Day and Reason

The United States of America is out of step with much of the world. Today many people around this old planet celebrate May Day on May 1. In a land were freedom reigns we celebrate Law Day on May 1. Some how our news media and public seemed to miss that special day this year. Law Day, established in 1958 by President Eisenhower, is dedicated to the traditional American concept of respect for the law. Our law is established in a philosophy of freedom for the individual with common threads of decency required to live together in peace and harmony. The system is far from perfect, but it is the best yet devised for a government of laws and not men.
Unfortunately, poison vines have silently crept into every facet of our law. The vines of selfish interest and greed are entangled in every level of the mechanism of our law, which we call government. Remember the government is the law, not the elected or appointed officials. Our Law is an accumulation of modifications to the original foundation of law. Changes made by individuals approved by the electorate.
This poison crept slowly into our lives over the years. Will it take years to remove it? Not really. It doesn't even require throwing out the elected and appointed officials or even destroying the established government. A simple return of their focus to what's good for us and not what's good for them.
On Law Day, if those in power or with the ability to vote could have resolved to defend the law, our problems would be solved in a short span of time. For instance it takes millions of dollars and months to elect one representative to defend the law and define government. What happens if we establish one day on the calendar to hold primary elections across the land? Setting aside appointed TV times when each candidate for various positions could present their positions. After the primary election set five TV periods for presenting their positions in greater detail.
Eliminate matching funds for elections. Establish a standard of conduct in regards to all lobbyist. Forbid any and all candidates, elected officials or political parties from receiving monies from lobbyist or businesses. Make it socially unacceptable for any government official to be paid for making speeches to constituents. In short let the elected officials serve because they want to serve their nation and not their financial self interest.
Limit the smell of money and the foxes will lose interest in the hen house. The problem is not the government as those in the far left and right want us to believe. It is interference in decisions by individual self interest and greed.
Interestingly enough, self interest and greed are what elected officials believe they need to satisfy in the voters back home to stay in office. That's us folks! It is our turn to say we are more interested in what's good for the whole, not what's good for the few. Law Day is an opportune time to reestablish the law as our good friend not our foe.
The problem is not government or law. It's people. People who are bigots in regards to race, religion and creed - both to others and in favor of their own. People who refuse help to others in need. Lazy people who take handouts over hand ups. Over caring people who create systems that make laziness more rewarding than work. People who won't find a middle ground for the common good, in situations that demand our government or law intervene.
As the saying goes, "I have met the enemy and it is I!" And I want to do something about it. How? Urge these important changes. Encourage government to be responsible and do what's best for the whole of society. Support them while they are in office. Don't make them run for the next election the day they are sworn into office. Let them relax and lead. Be part of the solution not part of the problem.
Law Day reminds us that it is the Law that makes us free. Unselfish leaders created the Law we have today. God Bless the United States of America and the Law of the Land. Let the law of the Land and the Law of Reason return.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

International Peace Day? You are kidding! Right?

Did you know that there is a International Peace Day? Yep, September 19th is designated International Peace Day. It is either a forgotten day or a great joke on the world. One thing there is not today - international peace. Recently some publication reported forty-one wars being waged somewhere on this planet.
War and Peace are more than a great novel. They dominate our lives from the domestic violence in families and there resultant deaths to a world wide fear of terrorist. War is our oldest weakness. Peace is our oldest dream.
Story: An elderly cannibal sage and a missionary were comparing their philosophies. The cannibal reminisced about tribal wars he had fought, and how he had eaten his foes. The missionary said, "We fight wars for higher reasons - for truth, for defense of democracy, for freedom." "You must eat many, many people," said the cannibal. "Oh, no," said the missionary, "we don't eat human beings." "Then," said the cannibal sage,"you have no reason to kill each other."
No civilization yet created has been able to abolish war. In the last hundred years we have been in five significant conflicts. In the same period we have helped to establish two peace making bodies, the League of Nations and the United Nations to abolish war. This era also witnessed the greatest build up and development of armaments in world history. Humanity knows how to make war better than how to make peace. In the old days people went off to war. Today science and television can bring it right to you.
Story: Two pacifist were arguing about who was more idealistic. "I love peace so much," said one, "that I am willing to fight for it." "And I love peace so much," said the other, "that I am willing not to fight for it."
Peace is like an elusive butterfly. Beautiful to hunt and difficult to capture. Yet every group has begun with the ultimate goal of obtaining a peace. "To beat their swords into plowshares." Yet peace seems to be something humanity continues to fight over.
Franklin Roosevelt said, "Peace, like charity, begins at home." How right he was! Look at the religious wars in Ireland, Bosnia, India and other places. Then look at the religious wars at home. Roman Catholics against Protestants, Orthodox against Fundamentalist, "Saved" against "Unsaved" and so on and so forth.
Recently the front page of our paper had murder, suicide, domestic violence and murder trials all on the front page in one day! And we are arrogant enough to send missionaries to bring peace in the name of the Lord. If we could bottle the hate that many "Religious Coalitions" are generating, we would have enough to wage wars for the next hundred years.
Can’t we make every day International Peace Day? Can't we reach across our local boundaries and make peace in our own land. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God."

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Context is Everything

Context is an important element in any of our understanding of what is true or false. For example, if I say, "he kissed his mother," it wouldn’t sound abnormal. But if I revealed that he was Oedipus, son of Laius and Jocasta in Greek legend, it sounds abnormal. In fact that is where the phrase, "Oedipus Complex" originated.
At eighteen I was considered to be of average height. My West Point class was the first class to integrate by heights. Before then, cadets were assigned companies according to their height. But that system had developed some "Napoleonic" complexes in the shorter or "runt" companies. I was one of the first "tall" men to be put in the smallest "runt" company. Suddenly, I went from being average height to tall.
Chapel was mandatory in those days. We marched to church each Sunday. I had never been in a church with musical instruments. On that first Sunday I marched in the chapel and heard this magnificent organ praising God, but I was thinking I was entering the realm of Satan. After two Sundays, I couldn’t wait to attend chapel and worship God on such a high plane! That chapel went from being an instrument of Satan to a truly wonderful way of worshiping and praising God.
Over my life I have been asked many times, "Are you a Christian?" Most often, the person asking the question had a formulated response they expected me to repeat. If I answered as they wanted, they approved of me. If I answered wrongly, they were sure I was condemned to hell.
I hadn’t changed, but the person asking the question was different.
In my other pastorates, in the context of the communities where they were located, I was considered to be a moderate evangelical tongue speaking Presbyterian. In the community where I now reside, where fundamentalism prevails, I am often regarded as a flaming liberal, whose salvation is in doubt.
Context is important, especially in choosing a church. If your understanding of Christianity is it is all about salvation, then you would seek a church of that bent. They would have and emphasis altar calls in Sunday worship, the numbers being saved, how many visitors you bring, and your level of giving to the church. Salvation churches are about expansion, and rightly so, if salvation is what you believe Christianity is all about.
However, if your view of Christianity is people are saved by grace and not good works, and the work of the church is sanctification (becoming more holy or Godly), you would seek a different type of church. That church would see Sunday worship as a gathering of believers (saved people), who come to worship God, seek to equip people to be more Christ like in life so they can attract others to God, emphasize holiness and obedience to the Spirit of God, take serious Jesus’ life and teaching to be the way, the truth and the life, and believe no one can get to the Father (God) in heaven except by being like Jesus. These churches emphasis the age old Shema - love the Lord God with all your might. So if becoming more holy, to be a better follower of Christ and a more Godly person, then these are the churches for you.
Yes context is important, especially when you are seeking a place to worship and to grow spiritually. Names can be deceiving, so look at who they are, not who they say they are.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Equality of Sexes

Many traditions advocate women must be submissive to men. Sad traditions I have encountered all my life. Interestingly enough they claim God established this hierarchy at creation. So let me address it as a creation issue, "Are women spare ribs or prime cut?"
My foundation for examination is I believe, "Bereshith bara Elohim" ...In the beginning when God created... i.e. Life begins with God. Genesis means beginnings. Chapters 1 thru 11 of the book of Genesis are the primordial historical narrative of the earliest generations of the world and humankind. They are background for the call of Abram in the twelfth chapter. It is in this history that we find the creation of boys and girls.
English Bibles or traditional King James paraphrases are very difficult to use for particular endeavor, because they use the word "man" in place of several original Hebrew words. Let us first look at the Hebrew word influencing this subject. The word "adam" in Hebrew generally means humankind. It is not used as the proper name of the first male until verse 4:25. The evolution of the use of the word that goes from meaning humanity to a specific person is not uncommon in many Near Eastern accounts of creation.
The crux of creation is seen in Chapter 1 verse 27 - "So God created humankind (adam - heb.) in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." (NRSV) Boys and girls are both created in the image of God. This is the first and oldest text in Scripture concerning we humans. Man and woman were created equal in the sight of God. They are male and female in the image of God. Neither is more of an image than the other.
Then what is the second more familiar story the account of the Garden of Eden? Like much of the rest of Genesis it is a God's method of revealing truth that took place in the beginnings. Much is hard to understand but it is background for many traditions in the nation of Israel. Remember all of these Scriptures were passed down through generations for over a thousand years until they were put into writings just before the collapse of Judah as a nation.
Many people appropriate the story of the rib, which has no medical support. Yet many of us seize the issue of the breath of God. What is more important in the Garden story, the notion of male supremacy or a people of God, male and female, lead by the Spirit of God?
I have always had trouble with the two humans in the Garden being the first humans on planet Earth. Why? Who were the people in the land of Nod east of Eden? I don't know either, but they forced me to look at the story again. In the second look it was fascinating to see God take two particular humans into a special alliance and breath the breath of life into them. The etymologist knows it is the same breath that blew over the chaos and created something out of nothing. It is the same breath that descended as a dove when Jesus received the Holy Spirit.
Eureka! Perhaps these two creatures, male and female, were the first humans on planet Earth to receive the Holy Spirit. The first two humans born from above into the Kingdom of God. That is the real significance about the Garden story. Not some proof text to make me a Tarzan and my wife a Jane. Sorry Bubba, but your wife is also in the image of God and filled with the same Spirit, if she is a child of God.
Scriptures treats humankind as the focus of creation. Each and every human is intended to be prime cut. Yes, made in the image of God, male and female. Humankind is separated by who is in God's Garden and who is not in it. Or who has God's Spirit, the breath of God, and who doesn't have it. During the introduction of sin we find the spare rib concept for female humankind. Isn't it time to return to the original concept for God's people. Recognize we are all created in his image, male and female, and in need of his breath?
And! I am not a feminazi or a flaming liberal feminist! I am a male human in God, who wants equality of position to all humankind. In the place where I live (that's in Christ Jesus) there is neither Greek nor Jew, slave nor free, male nor female. Won't you move to my neighborhood and live in the fullness for which God created you, whether you are male or female?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Time for a Worldwide Reformation

Wherever we live on this beautiful crazy planet we are being bombarded with daily headlines that sadly reveal a rapidly growing worldwide clash of cultures and values. Examine any culture or value and you will find their ethical roots entwined deeply in their own particular historical and religious development over the ages. This ever developing clash of ideals lurks menacingly just below the surface of every faith and culture. When these lurking ideals finally clash they will create as much or more mayhem in the world as any of the other great steps in culture evolution in the past have brought.
This erupting struggle of cultures and values caused me to ask, "What single idea or perspective is the real cause of this ecclesiastical struggle that is now spilling over into every domain?" Over the last two hundred years or so, societies have been expanding beyond their borders, while at the same time struggling with their isolationism. What has caused this dynamic tension amongst the cultures of the world? I believe it was and is the coming to age of the rapid communications and travel systems that are universally available.
Before this current and almost unbelievable expansion of information humanity seemed to live somewhat happily ever after within their own lands and within their own comfortable religious and cultural ideals and laws. And now, this new increasing access of information is allowing we citizens of the world to know so much more about one another. Maintaining an isolationism of peoples and faiths is growing more difficult each and everyday. In one way or another, we keep finding new needs for our far away neighbors, who we soon realize are so very different from ourselves.
This worldwide struggle according to many leaders is forcing us to choose what primary proclamation are we to declare in this expanding world community? This difficult choice seems to be between two major thoughts or perspectives, that would be difficult to proclaimed together. In fact they struggle to exist together within every faith because of the basic differences in how they are applied to people from/with different cultures and values.
What are these two opposing perspectives? Simply stated they are:
1. (Fill in a word or name) is the only way to acquire life after death (peace).
2. For me/us (Fill in a word or name) is the best way to acquire life after death (peace).
A person deeply committed to statement number one, the one way only theory, will struggle constantly with how to effectively relate with anyone outside that system of belief. Why would this be true? By the nature of the statement, a person with that perspective must view anyone outside their perspective or realm as lost and without hope. They have and always will tend to see these outsiders as the enemy as well as people full of ignorance.
We don’t have to look to relationships between the major faiths of the world to see this in action. Throughout our Christian history this has been evident between many, if not most, Christian groups. Early in our history the Roman Church was one of the first major movements to claim exclusiveness. Subsequently, each and every cause seeking to reform the faith claimed that their particular perspective or way was the best, if not only true one. Nearly every spinoff from one of the main movements was created because someone claimed a new and special way.
Let one thing be clear, if a person or group stands on statement number one, they should by all means be isolationist and treat the rest of humanity as lost. It is a difficult road to walk, but it would seem to be the correct one for this group. Those of this perspective usually claim they simply are believing what God has told them.
In the second stated perspective there appears to be two underlying principles. The first is that how a person, or for that matter which person, is redeemed is freely and exclusively up to a Higher Power or Ideal. The twist? This perspective assumes all who are redeemed are done so by God. Therefore I believe this view also requires a respect of other views of God and reality. This twist evolves out of a humility that understands that there are things about the Creator we humans have yet to learn. It is powered by the notion that God desires every human being to exist forever with God, so they can come to the full knowledge of the truth of the reality of Creation and its Creator. Thus the second group normally endeavors to exist in a manner that will attract others to their faith. They do this by treating others as fellow creatures in the Creator’s world.. Who is or who isn’t in the fold of God is left entirely up to God.
Which statement is correct? Both could be correct and both could be wrong. But both require a deep respect of faith and discipline to that particular way of life. Jesus as well as most all other great teachers of other established faiths recognized this when they taught their followers that a person cannot serve two masters. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people attempt to live by both of the above statements. A person’s circumstance at various times seems to dictate as to which statement governed their actions.. In doing so their faith has been watered down to a point where it is now hard to tell the difference between the two points of view.
Having lived in communities and countries with different faiths than mine, and I found I was comfortable with most of their philosophies. For the most part, I believe they simply didn’t want to offend me. However, in every place I lived, I encountered minorities who strongly advocated just one of the statements. And they made it clear, that for them their statement of faith, whether it was the first or second one cited above, was the only way.
Unfortunately the middle groups who simply didn’t want to offend anyone have slowly lost center stage and control in every faith and culture. They seem to be standing on the sidelines while the two extremes fight for survival.
What should we make of this? Perhaps it is time for a new Reformation, not just in Christianity, but in the all the faiths of the world. Let us seek a common understanding of God and the purpose of this Creation. Let us seek it with love and understanding.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Free to Speak or Listen

I believe the greatest event in the history of this nation happened on June 12, 1776. The incidents that day are very much a part of everything we read, see, believe or do today. Debate continues to rage around it in to this century. Because of what a handful of people did so long ago our present debates are conducted in freedom.
A document primarily written by George Mason was approved at the Virginia Convention on that special date. It was known as the Virginia Declaration of Rights. It was more than a unusual inspiration for the Continental Congress that assembled thirty days later in historic Philadelphia to write that beautiful document we call The Declaration of Independence. Any review of that precious document, our Constitution or the Bill of Rights will reveal the vital influence Mason’s document had on the assembly.
We, the people of these United States, are privileged. We are able to stand up and speak our minds. Speaking your mind freely is something few people in this world can exercise or comprehend. It is this overriding feature that beckon the tired, the poor and the hungry to our shores. When that privilege is lost personal freedom goes with it.
Those assembled in Virginia understood the importance of this for future generations, especially if they wanted to preserve a high level of personal freedom. You can hear their wisdom in their own words. Article 1,"That all men are by nature equally free and independent and have certain inherent rights... the enjoyment of life and liberty... and pursuing and obtaining happiness... 2. That all power... is derived from the people."
The Assemblage also made other vital points so important in our nation’s foundation upon which free men and women have built this unique melting pot called the USA. For instance, they demanded freedom of press and freedom of worship. In fact it was their enthusiasm and convictions that most probably cause the meeting in Philadelphia to take serious a demand for personal freedom, particularly in regards to one speaking ones mind.
If a national Constitutional Convention were held today, would the delegates give heed to the words of George Mason again? "Are all men by nature" (in nature it means women as well as men; as it does also mean Spanish Americans, Black Americans, Asian immigrants, Native Americans, Neo Nazis, Homosexuals, Militants, Conservatives, Liberals, Far Right, Far Left, Children, Parents, Fetus, Etc.?)
"Equally free?" Does that mean that John Boehner and Ellen DeGeneses are equal? Is freedom shared equally with Rev. Billy Graham and Bill Maher? Is it fair to pursue as many welfare programs as you will give me? Is it fair for me to say no to you if I choose not to help you? Or must I do something or be a certain somebody to earn my equality in this free land?
Freedom is lost when we can no longer speak our minds. With freedom people are free to hear what I have to say and decide for themselves if what I say applies to them or not. If more people agree with one person over another our freedom says they may govern until they no longer are in the majority. But in our freedom that majority must do all they can to protect and preserve not only their own freedom, but the freedom of the minority. Difficult? Yes, but then that's why this nation is so special.
The moment we change this equation we begin to sound the death knell for freedom in this country. When we or anyone wants to shut another person up because of what they say, a little bit of freedom dies. Keep it up long enough and we can kill the whole thing.
The one element that cannot be removed from the freedom that founded this country is "the freedom to speak your own mind." It would do us all well to pause and remember that important fact. Do you hear me Hollywood, Elected Politicians, Radio and TV Pundits, Comedians, Religious Leaders, Directors of Movements, and the rest of those willing to speak their own minds? Can you extend that same courtesy and bravado into your own ability to listen when others speak their own mind?
Can you listen or will you simply wait impatiently until it's your turn to talk? From my perspective most of us exercise the freedom of speech without the freedom of listening. Listening doesn't mean we agree. It means we believe we all have the right to speak. Once again this formula precedes all democratic action. Lose it and you lose democracy.

Freedom of Speech and Listening

I believe the greatest event in the history of this nation happened on June 12, 1776. The incidents that day are very much a part of everything we read, see, believe or do today. Debate continues to rage around it in to this century. Because of what a handful of people did so long ago our present debates are conducted in freedom.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Good Old USA

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. Tomorrow we celebrate the return of the swallows to Capistrano. Thursday is the first day of Spring! All is right with the world and a new day begins!

When I set down to write this column, my thoughts turned to what issue I would address today's column. Politics? Social Behavior? Social Problems? Money? Gambling? or what? But nothing negative came out. Instead I could only think of the good things about life. Maybe because about twenty-five percent of my time is spent wrestling with the negatives of life and seventy-five with positive. My glass is never half empty. It is always half full.

For every one person, who calls me for help on an electric bill or with an abuse problem, there are ten to thirty people willing to help them. I am only the broker of those services. While I know the poor will always be with me, it is good to know so will those who care.

Watching and listening to all of the negative and empty political rhetoric, I could get depressed. But, I remember living in a country that hung seven young political activist in the town square of the capital city. There was no political debate in that nation. There was also very little freedom and joy. Besides I even have the freedom to turn anyone off I want to at any time. Gee we live in a great country.

Being subjected to conflicting messages about our financial future and jobs, I could get depressed. Then I realize only in this country can people openly strike against their employers. And still live comfortable lives. I also know first hand we are one of the few places on earth that have three meals a day and understand the term "week end." Many peoples of the world are lucky to have one meal a day and there is no such term as "week end" in their language.

Ah the birds sing a new song each spring. They know that it is a great world to live in and that we have the finest nest ever built. "Born in the USA" what a nice sound it has to my ears. It is the sound of spring and Mother Nature reminds us how good it is to be alive in this particular place and time. Let everyday be St. Patrick's Day! Let the swallows sing every morning at Capistrano. Let a new day begin! Isn't freedom wonderful? Sorry I could bring you something controversial. I try harder next week.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Anthromorphic God

At seminary there was a sign, "God created man in his own image. Ever since man has tried to created God in his image." The older I am the more I understand that sign. Humans have a hard time understanding God in a spiritual sense, so we describe or create a God with human characteristics.

This might work if humans were all alike in gender, race, size, ability, and whatever else we consider important. But for some reason we weren’t made all the same, and in that lies the struggle of humanity. Do we insist that people all agree with our particular tradition’s image of God? Or do we share our understandings of God and treat with respect the understandings of others created in the image of that same unknown and unseen force we call God?

A Hindu friend, who lives in northern India, caused me to re-think a lot of my notions about God. I had asked him why India had so many Gods. He laughed and said, "Dennis, we believe in only one Devine Creator, but over the centuries each village built its own statue to represent that Devine Creator. And each village had its own unique dialect and name for that same Devine Creator."

I replied, "I am not sure I can understand that."
He laughed and replied, "You in this country do something very similar. You all believe in one Devine Creator, but your landscape is dotted with various monument like buildings with their very own understanding of God."

"How is that," I asked.

He said, "Look you have a Baptist God, a Presbyterian God, a Roman Catholic God, a Methodist God, and it seems like every other week a new building with a new name and people springs up. So you have many versions of God, just like we in India."

He had a point. So how do we accept each other’s view or expression of God, the Devine Creator?
First, understand God as a concept for the originator of all space and time we call Creation and accept all human beings worldwide as truly created in the image of that one Devine Creator. Second, listen and respect other human’s interpretations of things. Such interpretations usually develop into some form of religious theology and standards.

How do we relate to those theology and standards? Accept valid those issues that don’t violate a common understanding of God’s demand upon all human beings. That demand is the notion that all humans must love (respect) God above all things and love (respect) others as we love (respect) ourselves.

What about those that seek to destroy any understandings about God, that do not agree with theirs? Those who attack with an intent to destroy equal understandings or views are not in the image of the Devine Creator. They are playing God themselves and attempting to create God in their image. They are the bullies, terriorist, bigots, self-righteous, arrogant people, who have always caused war and pain for humanity. They are the enemies of the Devine Creator.

All my life I have struggled with what to do about them. Ignore them? Nah, they are hard to ignore. Turn the other cheek? When we do that they crucify us. Reason with them? You have to be kidding. Fight them? Maybe, but how? They don’t play by any rules the people of God play by.

This list could go on and on. What is the answer? History and most holy scriptures of all faiths seem to indicate that from time to time, God will lift up a person or a group to be our warriors and destroy the vile cowards, who operate under the cloak of religion. Maybe it is time to ask God for another Shepherd boy named David to kill the giant enemies of God in this time and place in history.

Or we can hope it just goes away. Cause after all, that would mean we would have to accept an awful lot of people, who have different names and understanding of the Devine Creator. A vicious circle of life! What is the answer? Can we not find it together? Let us all stop creating God in our image and seek the face of the Devine Creator together in a rapidly shrinking world. Or will we kill each other off before that happens?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Opportunity is Knocking Again

An attorney, a building inspector and a comedian were asked how they would depict this situation: "What do you think about 100 people locked in an abandoned theater?" The attorney said, "A potential lawsuit." The inspector said, " An emergency for the fire department or police." The comedian said, "A great opportunity!"
Opportunity is from the Latin nautical term indicating "favorable winds"- Opportununus compound adjective from the prefix ob (to) and portus (harbor). Originally it described winds, "blowing toward the harbor." These winds create an advantage for a ship to reach their destination harbor. The phrase became figuratively "coming at a convenient time." Or as we say, "Being in the right place at the right time with the right qualifications."

The nation in which we live seems to be facing some tremendous opportunities. Like a ship at see, we can either recognize these favorable winds or miss them all together. These favorable trends swirling around us are exciting and strong. They can propel our nation to our next destiny safe and secure, if we allow our sails to be positioned at the correct moment. That moment seems to be right now!

What trends? Why are today's trends, winds of opportunity? For me today, an old saying expresses it best,"Today's opportunities is yesterday's dreams and tomorrow's memories." The underlying strength of the USA is the results of well visioned dreams of many leaders and statesmen. If handled properly by the current generation of dreamers those dreams will be pleasant realized memories for each and every citizen. Handled wrong and our memories of wonderful nation will have become nothing more than a distant dream of long ago.

Opportunity made our great nation. We must once again seize this opportunity. How? First we must begin a unified approach to the future. Congress, social and business planners, even state officials and every politician needs to produce concrete plans for our future expansion. What buildings, roads and social services are being planned by various identities that could be more effective if consolidated into one unified effort. Also to churches and service groups, what services do you render that could be strengthen through a cooperative effort? With our continued population growth these questions gain in importance. Plus the governments crackdown on length of time a person can receive welfare will be producing more and more people in need of services no longer available in sufficient quantities.

It does seem to be a thrilling notion to see our nation as one long political traffic jam from one end of the nation to the other with a mish mosh of solutions scattered randomly around, with a sprinkling of beggars and criminals lurking at every corner.

Today is the day to catch the favorable winds. We are headed toward the right port, but the sea is scattered with rocky shoals. I would feel more comfortable if I knew there were some wise and cool heads at the helm insuring our trip to safe harbor isn't stopped short. You know who you are and history is asking you to step up to the plate as a citizen leader, putting aside all self interest for the best interest of the nation. Your dreams of yesterday are depending on you today, so our future maybe what you envisioned so long ago. Opportunity is a group effort. It is time for all good men (and women) to rise to the challenge above self interest.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Are we going back to the dark ages

It is Wednesday and I have read my two newspapers from front to back and I am confused. So help me out here!

In Section A, on page one are columns about the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the number dead and number of additional soldiers still needed. Another column reveals the Taliban’s connections to monies from their Saudi Arabia roots and supporters.

On page two is a column about a couple of huge contracts signed in the good ole’ USA to supply weapons to Saudi Arabia and another "friendly" Arab nation. Below it, at the bottom corner of the page is an insert showing the number of total casualties over the last ten years.

On the last page is a page wide column about the cost of oil and amount of monies we have supplied to the once poor desert tribes since we started buying their crude.

Before turning to a new section I asked myself, "Are we supplying our antagonists with our own resources to kill us?"

In Section B I find several columns decrying the lack of monies for education, special ed children, police and firemen, roads, and medical care for the poor and middle class. It also carries a column on two people being convicted for stealing from public and non-profit funds. And finally there is a column showing the plight of the ghettos in even the smallest cities.

In the Sports and Entertainment Sections I discovered that the NFL first round draft picks will all be instant millionaires. In fact a recent top man received $68,000,000 with a guarantee of $32,000,000. And the tickets to a kids concert are being scalp at $1200+? And in ad insert I saw where one could buy an autograph from a famous person.

I asked myself, "Are we stealing from ourselves to support the sports and entertainment industries?"
In the Business section I learn about a CEO who is fired because his leadership was instrumental in the company stock plunge. The story also revealed that he was given a $15,000,000 severance package upon being "canned" from his job. Below that story was a note of 4000 people losing their jobs because that very same company needed to cut costs.

I asked myself, "Have we returned to the Middle Ages where the Lords and Earls once again are crushing down the workmen?"

Then I wondered out loud, "Are we heading to another revolutionary war to over throw the greedy Lords and Earls of the economic world? Maybe a few simple rules could prevent such a war."

What rules do I have in mind?
1. Prohibit any American made or financed weapons from being sold to any country or group who will not endorse "The Spirit" of our nation’s Declaration of Independence.

2. Charge the Sports and Entertainment Industries and Personnel a 15% surcharge for public works and education. And require any of them to do community service in their ghettos back home whenever they are arrested and convicted of drug related crimes. No make that any crime.

3. Restrict the practice of paying a CEO, or any executive, more than 250 times the lowest worker in his or her company. And forbid any tax deduction for severance packages of fired executives.

This nation was built on the backs of men and women who fought and believed in freedom and opportunity for the individual. I think we have lost that perspective and allowed the tail to wag the dog. What say you?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Puffer Fish and Puffer People

The Indian River in Florida is famous for more than just their oranges. If you fish there or stroll along its palm tree lined sandy banks, you might become acquainted with a peculiar variety of fish. It is called the puffer fish by those on the Space Coast in Brevard County. Other regions call it such names as the globefish, swellfish or bellows fish. It is found abundantly in the blue green tropical waters found around the east coast of Florida and out into the Caribbean Islands.

Puffer fish are a strange looking creature very unpopular with the fishermen. They constantly are getting on to their hooks. Their mouths are strange looking beak-like openings and when a fisherman attempts to remove a hook the puffer fish will suck in air and puff itself up like a helium filled toy balloon. Drop it on the ground and you will witness it bounce like a rubber ball.

In their native habitat the puffer can inflate themselves by drawing in water. This makes them look bigger than they really are, and more difficult to capture by bigger fish. They can swell in a hurry, which surprises the bigger fish, who than scurry away.

In life there are puffer people. They can rapidly swell up and scare other people off. They eventually become pest to those moving around them. Getting rid of them is a very difficult thing to do. They just cannot take a hint. Puffer people have strange appearances. They always seem to look victimized, yet some how very important and full of authority.

What to do with puffer fish? You cannot poke a hole in them and let out the air or water. They would burst and die. Keeping them around will clutter the air with ugliness. Trying to relate to them is foolishness. They are to busy puffing themselves up.

Over the years the people in the Indian River area have learned to cope with the situation quite nicely. What they do with their puffers, just might work with the puffers in other areas. First and foremost they avoid them at all cost. If they see one coming they hide. They never fish where they know for sure they will show up. If one gets on their hook they loan that rod to an enemy.

Some natives have even reeled them in and skinned them alive. Oh, what a mess! Others, hold them out of the water and watch them explode. Still others will let the little children use them to play soccer. They even make nice floats for the tank on your toilet. There have been a few reports where they have been sold as clown balloons at a small circus.

It does not matter which method you use to protect yourself from the puffers, it will not be a pleasant task. Puffers can fill themselves up with air. That is their only attribute. They add nothing to society about them. Yes, puffers are ugly strange creatures we can encounter in our lives. Who was your last puffer encounter with? Oh, my goodness, are you a puffer?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Snobs and Bullies Ruin Every Society

Bumper stickers have become billboards of the mind. They reflect insight into the minds of the occupants of vehicles and our society. Yesterday, two vehicles in front of me had contrasting bumper stickers worthy of comment.

The one on the left read "My child is an honor student at such and such school. " The one on the right read, "My child can beat up your honor student." Interestingly the child on the right was a small wiry kid and the one on the left was athletic looking.

As we all waited for the light to change, it occurred to me that the one on the left represented a form of social haughtiness and the one on the right a form of moronic social conception. Intelligent people do not lower themselves by bragging of their intelligence. People with any intellect at all do not brag about being able to whip someone. This is a case of dealing with brain and brawn.

What are the profiles of the citizen we develop if we take these bumper sticker messages to heart? One tells children it is alright to be haughty and negative toward others based solely on academic achievement. You all know what a snob is any way. By the way, are you aware that being on the honor roll does not always reflect any superior intelligence? Some of us made the honor roll through sheer determination and hard work under close supervision of a caring parent. Regardless of how you obtained this honor, through God given brains or parents, it is not something to boast about in polite society.

The other sticker tells our children that physical strength is superior to academic talent and achievement. It is exactly this level of mentality that feeds young lives to the gangs so prevelant in our societies. It provides a constant supply of clients for welfare workers and prison counselors. Being able "to beat up" someone has never been an asset or criteria for position in a humane or polite society. It is something you can only brag to people less intelligent than you, if you can find them.

What is the remedy? Why not cover both bumper stickers with new ones? How about, "The kids in this vehicle are precious objects, handle with care" or "My kid and your kid are very important because God doesn't make any junk." There are many others that come to mind. "Love children, teach them to read" "Isn't it great being human and different?"

Today's students are torn in many directions by different philosophies. How and when will they learn one that will bring peace in their lives as they grow into adults? For sure it isn't accomplished by teaching them to brag or be bullies. We see enough of the results of those philosophies in places ranging from places like Bosnia, Iran, all the way to Ireland.

Perhaps the children can help us. Maybe they are closes to the truth and reality of life, because they haven’t had as much time to build a false facade around themselves like we adults have done so well with in life. Good luck kids, show us the way!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

2012 Time To Be Accountable and Responsible

Over 2500 years ago the ancestors of modern day Jews, Christians, and Moslems believed God used a man named Hosea. Through him God warned Israel, the world and all people of history, even us today, that eventually all peoples are held accountable to God, because it’s God’s world.

Was that warning presented because we the world were feeling more accountable to our own selves, our families, our religions, and our causes, than we were toward God? The message of Hosea declared survival was not possible if that was true.

Why? The moral character of people, as a whole and as individuals, is accountable to God. Ultimate survival is not possible for those that refuse to acknowledge the Creator’s divine authority and to commit to the basic tenets of honor. We all answer to the Creator for the lives we lead, whether we believe it or not. The intellectual force that created and now sustains life, through what is called the natural laws of creation, is concerned with every created creature and their contribution to the rest of creation.

What does it mean to be accountable? It is to be: agreeable - accepting the ideas of others as valid as yours. For instance you let others talk as much as you do, because more views increase the understanding and value of things. That is why with diamonds the fewer the facets the cheaper the diamond.

What does it mean to be answerable? When we acknowledge that everything we do effects others we begin to understand why everyone answers to someone. In the oceans scientist know that every wake made in that water rocks in some way every boat. How much depends on both boats and the distance apart.

Remember the ad, "Ring around the collar?" A woman feels guilt because her husband’s shirt has ring around the collar. If we hold all accountable, why didn’t we ever ask, "Why didn’t the husband wash his neck?"
To comprehend this notion that all are accountable to the Creator, we must be open minded to the ideas of others and feel responsible toward them. No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible. No raindrop in a flood ever feels responsible. No one in a war ever feels responsible. No person in a book burning community ever feels responsible. Yet God the Creator has taught us in every known faith that we are responsible for others in this world of which we are citizens.

What is a citizen? It is a resident of my street, community, state, nation, continent, and world. No person one can totally withdraw from life. We cannot isolate ourselves in any corner of this planet, it is too large and still growing. Like the boats in the ocean, every one’s actions affect the others, whom we are responsible for in this life.

What is it to be responsible? It is our duty to all others. After all, we believe, "God so loved the world," not just some of it or one particular people or area, but all of it. People who blame others for the problems of the world haven’t begun to learn about life. People who blame themselves for the problems of the world have begun their education. And people who blame no one for the world’s problems have finished their education.

Why is this so? Because to accept human imperfection as the norm and part of the landscape is to accept the fact that love/holiness can only come through blameless people responsible to God.

Monday, January 9, 2012

2012 A time to die or reboot?

In almost every church across our great nation the members are concerned with a declining membership. Even in evangelical churches with their big numbers the decline is evident. Just look at the financial crisis of the Televangelical Groups. As to the number of people "saved" on a weekly basis, the membership growth doesn't change that much. More and more people, who profess Christianity as their faith, are opting to no longer worship in organized churches.

Why are they staying away? They are tired of the constant bickering between Christians. They do not feel comfortable with theology of the 1800's. Even the contemporary worship services tend to be years behind them. Church programs modeled after those of the 1950's are of no interest to those in a fast paced computer driven world. We in the church are kidding ourselves if we believe we are establishing a church for tomorrow that will be bigger than the one our parents left us.

What can be done? Let's follow the example of the first century church. Go to where the people are and establish means of teaching and worship that reflects theological tradition as well as the converts life situation and setting. That early church had to meet in secret in many places. It mingled Jews and Gentiles as well as men and women. It was conducted with and without music and musical instruments. The greater issue was the idea of a resurrected Christ. How were his followers to proceed. They struggled with all of this while trying to understand a life governed by a living God.

A living God who taught there are only two great commandments - "Love God above all things and your neighbor as yourself." A God who commanded them to do nothing till they received the Holy Spirit and baptism of fire a sanctification process. Today's vast majority, who shun traditional churches, want to know what it means to have a living God direct their lives and the life of the church. They want that living God to come into their lives as they really are today.

The churches that reach these people address some important elements of tradition. For instance since the late 1600's church school was the center of our public education. In the late 1800's when public education begin to take hold the church school programs were reduced.
Held on Sunday primarily for convenience they became known as Sunday School. The majority of people were farmers and Sunday was their church day all day long.

Now many churches across the land are once again meeting people at their convenience for church school. Because today's workers are no longer farmers, but busy hard working members of the information society, Sunday's are more precious in regards to family time.

Surveys have shown a majority of them work five and a half days a week. If they regularly attend worship and church school on Sunday they have very little time to re-create with family or themselves. They live stress filled lives, where time is a precious commodity.

Where can God meet them so they may experience the peace and love of a living God? One solution is to move church school to a different day and worship earlier on Sunday. Here is what happens when you do that: attendance at church school goes up and the people have an extra day to relax and experience the peace of God.

Why does attendance go up at school? First all of these churches provide a catered supper on School Nights. It is served right after the work day and just before school. Busy mothers don't have to worry about preparing a dinner, so they are anxious for every member of the family to attend. And church school is usually only forty five minutes to a hour long just as it was on Sunday mornings. Tired people are usually on their way home by 7:30 pm.

Why does attendance go up on Sundays? The early services allows the people to leave refreshed in God with a whole new day before them to re-create their lives. A win win situation for all. It is works! Let 2012 not be a time of ending or dying, but a time to reboot or reset the Church for a new era of reforming the church to today’s world in the image God intended.