Thursday, July 21, 2011

Don’t believe what you hear, it maybe fiction and not fact.

Fact or fiction? It is hard to know when we listen to politicians, preachers, lobbyist and others, who seek to influence how we think and act. Let's face it if we hear something long enough, we begin to believe it is fact. If it is in print or on TV or radio enough, everyone will argue its validity. This simple fact seems to be the strategy of every candidate for the Presidency. According to them every other candidate, but themselves, is wishy washy. They have said it so much, everyone seems to believe it and that will produce a record low turn out on November 2012.

  You laugh at my suggestion? Well let me tell you something we all believe because we have always heard it and you tell me if it is fact or fiction. "The birthday of the United States of America is July 4, 1776." If you answered fact, you have bought what the news media and politicians have convinced you is right even if the facts say differently.

  Technically we weren't the United States until September 9, 1776. On that day 235 years ago, the Continental Congress decided to change the name of the rebelling group from the United Colonies to the United States, one of many nations in the land called America. July 4 th is our Independence Day, but September 9th is our birthday. That is the facts. The rest is fiction.

  You see even the smallest point can be deceiving if repeated over and over without full revelations of the facts. In the months ahead as you listen and read challenge everything that is repeated over and over without supporting evidence. Are we in an economic boom or bust? Is Social Security in danger or not? Is there a limit to where the national debt can climb or not? Do we believe in tolerance of the views of one another or not?  Is the nation on course or have we run aground? Is ? Is? Is? Not, “ and it can be solved when we are united.”

  According to the fiction flying around, we best get out of here while the gettin' is good. However, according to the facts of history, we have been here many times and succeed quite well when things are left to the natural innate abilities of the United States citizens and not the self serving rhetoric of the greedy politicians, finance men and Executives with Golden Parachutes.

  Let's stop listening to fiction and demand true provable facts from those, who need our vote. Then and only then will we find the truth, so needed to successfully guide us into the next booming era for these United States of America.

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