Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How One Man Ruined Humanity

The Death of Humanity or How Curiosity Killed the Cat
Ever wonder how we humans got in this mess?
People killing people in every corner of the world. People driven by greed stealing financial opportunities and security from thousands, no make that millions, of people in every village, town, city, and nation on this giant beautiful blue marble spinning through space and time. People seeking power and fame crushing people as they climb over their broken bodies and empty wallets at any spot on the globe. The bad guys seem to be winning.

The grand and glorious goal of a perfect socialist nation crumbled when angry citizens torne down A WALL. The vision of a nation of people worshiping and honoring their God as they see fit was struck down when freedom was deemed to be for everyone, not just the Christians. The idea that all human beings deserve the same opportunities and freedoms in this life was crucified: when a gay man was strapped to barb wire, tortured, and killed; when a young girl is mutilated and covered with a burka; when a white collar billion dollar criminal is better treated in prison than a homeless man in a shelter; and when national and international leaders meet and meet and talk on and on and on, while people continue to suffer from an array of persecutions.

Well, I have an idea that it started a long, long, long time ago, when humans existed in their own separate clusters. There were some in the hill country and they lived in comfortable caves. The ones in the plains lived in grass huts. The ones near the sea in warmer climates lived on the beach. And so on and so on, well you get the picture.

None of these groups knew about the other groups. They believed they were the only ones on this small planet. They each developed their own language, diet, ethics and beliefs about where they came from, why they were here, and where they were going. All was right with the universe!

It probably started when the boys were playing on the edge of their "village" and one of them, let’s call him Abe, looked up the hill where the horizon met his world. The play stopped and one of his friends asked, "Abe what are you looking at?"

Abe answered, "The top of the hill. Have you ever wondered what is beyond the top of our hill?"
His friend replied, "Abe you should not say or think that. What if the elders heard you?"
Then over the next few years, Abe would go to the edge and ponder the hill and what laid beyond. He never discussed it with anyone, for fear of sounding different. Then one day after he had entered manhood, he made an important decision. A decision that would change humanity forever. On that particular day, Abe decided to venture over the hill and see what was on the other side.

In just a few days after he crossed the crest of the hill he encountered some beings that looked a little like him, except that their color and built were different than his. They were lighter skinned than Abe and much taller. He stayed hid and crept closer to observe them better. They spoke strange words and were eating fruits and vegetables.

What they ate bothered Abe the most. In his world human beings only ate the animals they caught and killed. Things from plants were for the pigs and other beast. Plus with their lighter skins and tall bodies, how could they hide in the forest and hunt for their food. They were so different than Abe. It unnerved him!
With great fear and a trembling heart, Abe ran back over the hill to his own world. As soon as he arrived he ran to the head elder and reported the awful and fearful things he had seen over the hill. Those beings he saw were so very different than him! It was frightening.

The elder listened. He had never encountered these things he was hearing. What to do? So he pondered for a moment before responding to Abe’s report.

As the elder pondered, Abe blurted out, "They look like wild animals to me. They also seem dangerous because they are nothing like us. We should kill them before they come up over our hill." The elder agreed and so did the rest of the human beings, who looked like Abe and ate like Abe.

Ever since Abe reported to that elder so very, very, very long ago, human beings have been afraid of any being different than them. So much so, they believe it is their duty to eliminate anything different. Of course, the methods of elimination have improved and the kinds of differences we fear have expanded since Abe first introduced that kind of fear to humanity.


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