In an old classic comedy sketch, Jack Benny is being greeted by a would be mugger. The jittery stick-up man cries nervously, "Your money or your life!" After what seemed like an eternity the high-strung stick-up anxiously shouts, "I said, your money or your life!"
Finally, Mr. Benny folds his arms and calmly replies, "I'm thinking; I'm thinking." - a classic response.
Once upon a time a court jester displeases a king. So the king orders him put to death. Since the jester had been a member of the royal court for many years, the king says, "I will let you decide how you are to die." The condemned jester slowly responds, "Most exalted ruler, if it is all the same to you, I choose to death by old age." - a classic response.
It is like the classic response when Jesus is confronted by a circle of religious and jealous folk who are trying to trap him with a question that seems not to have a correct answer. Should the Jews pay taxes to Caesar? If Jesus says they must not pay taxes, he certainly will be arrested for treason. If he says they should, he will bring on the fury of those following him.
It is kind of like this old trick - "Please answer my question with only a yes or no. Do you still beat your spouse?"
Again, Jesus introduces a new understanding of these old questions. "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and render unto God what is God's." Simple, direct yet revolutionary. There is a distinct difference between the world system and the system of the kingdom of God. A wise person understands this and picks fruit of both trees.
In terms of the individual: Jesus teaches there are worldly obligations, that should be met. We must care for ourselves and those we choose to include in our lives, including employers and the country we live in. At every age we are called to be concerned with our physical and emotional well being; to educate ourselves to the best and highest level possible (There is no excuse for not learning basic survival skills such as reading, writing and arithmetic); and to give a good day's work for a good day's wage. Our earthly responsibilities should be taken seriously and with honesty.
Jesus is saying we are not to neglect our responsibility toward God by not growing spiritually and increasing our love of God and humanity. Our realm of God responsibilities should be taken seriously and with honesty.
In terms of the church: Jesus seems to be saying keep physical and organizational structures in tip top shape. Honor God with your tithes and gifts. Use the money wisely.
He challenges the church to develop its spiritual side, which is done through study, worship and prayer.
In terms of the nation: Remember we choose to live where we live and have the ability to elect our leaders. Honor your leaders by position not personalities.
He again is saying there is an aspect of any nation, that is granted by God. That is the idea of community. We are all responsible to a higher power, so give credence to others.
In terms of the world: Everything in the world is temporary. Everything with God is permanent. Pick the fruits of your labor in both worlds, but eat them all at the table God has prepared for you.
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