Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The True Judgement Seat

Tired of reading about what is bad with people? Did you know God only judges us on our holiness (goodness)? There are no heavenly scales that weigh our good acts against our bad. God addresses solely the goodness in our lives at the judgement seat.
  This seat as identified in Scripture in the Book of  Revelation is solely for those people, who have successfully finished a race. They come and stand in front of the judgement seat to receive their awards for performance.
  In the Christian faith and most all other faiths the only people, who finish the race are the ones, who have somehow gained eternal life and citizenship in the Kingdom of Light (Kingdom of God). In the Christian gospels, they are the ones, who have been born from above (“born again” is an inappropriate translation). They are the ones, according to Jesus, who love God above all things and their neighbor as themselves. Jesus understood the Holy Spirit is needed to do those two things.  The same Spirit that gives eternal life.
  At judgement, God will judge us as to how much of our lives we have turned over to the control of the Spirit. In other words, how holy are we?  Which is truly good news, when compared with the works concept which balances good against the bad. Oh, I know there are people, who believe their good works out weigh their bad works. In the Spiritual realm they are immature beings, who actually believe they can gain eternal life on their own faith. They totally ignore the essential place of God’s Spirit in the great scheme of things.
   Whenever we pray believing and ask God to forgive us, God is just and forgives us. Now comes the tremendous news of God’s grace. When God forgives a person, it is forgotten about for all eternity. It is gone! It is out of my life! This constant cleansing allows God’s people to work more on their goodness, instead of agonizing over their badness. That’s the basic good news I find in Christ Jesus, who God used to make this extra-ordinary formula work.
   For this reason God challenges us to love one another. By this God means not judge, which means no evaluation or concern for my negative side, because that is between me and God. Instead we accept people for the goodness they have, no matter what level it has obtained.
  What a wonderful world! A place where we only see good in people! Children will no longer tease others for their imperfections. Adults will not go to war to prove others wrong.  People of God will join hands and let their light outshine all the darkness of this world. Yeah, I like that idea.  We only deal with the good, just like God does it.

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