Monday, August 1, 2011

Is the word liberal seem to be going the way of baloney?

"Baloney!" originally meant an bologna sausage. Something of real quality and taste. It either appealed to your palate or it did not. It was simply a matter of preferred preference and your personal choice.
Later in history it became a part of the popular slang vocabulary. It no longer meant quality and taste. In slang it meant an emphatic "nonsense!"

Now the word liberal seems to be going the way of baloney.
An academic dictionary defines liberal as an open minded person, who advocates progressive reform. Where is the baloney there? On behalf of the meat packers and sausage lovers everywhere please let every one know their is nothing of nonsense about this baloney.

On behalf of individuals everywhere who care about learning and expanding the horizons please let others know that liberal is wonderful gift to have. It was a liberal who told Isabella of Spain, "I can find a new way." It was a liberal who said wrote our Constitution that encourages individual thinking and freedom.
If you don't agree with the polices of someone spell out what it is exactly you don't like. Shouting baloney or liberal and meaning nonsense or "no sense to me" is far from being genteel. Surely your vast training, experience and knowledge can do better than a flippant slang.

Throwing the "L" word down is a cheap and tasteless way out of an intellectual debate. Like baloney, liberal is a matter of taste. One man's pasta is noddles and another is lasagna. Are we so narrow minded that we cannot honor the taste of another person?

If we say eating bologna sausage is nonsense we are taking the sleazy way out of life's on going debate. A genteel person with refined qualities would be gracious and more specific. They might say, " i don't like your baloney because you put to much pork into it and use only local ingredients. You let it stay in the pot to long and the skin is breakable. Also for my taste buds you pout to much garlic and spices into your baloney. That is why it is nonsense to me."

If you don't like a liberal position spell it out why you don't like it. Going "na na your a liberal" doesn't do it for me. You see I see myself as an open minded person, who advocates progressive reform in the world that surrounds me. I don't think everyone should be able to live by their own standards in a society. Our society requires some basic standards to survive. That's no baloney! It was founded on the principles of individual freedoms that do not harm the will of the whole.

Our history is littered with men and women who have sacrificed for the whole and never considered their sacrifices losses of freedom. Why? They were interested in progress and reform. They were liberals who we all revere. That's no baloney! So please find another way to attack each other. Baloney is delicious and good for the soul. Liberal is wonderful and good for society. so find a new word for your slang vocabulary. Please!

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