An ancient tale with Hollywood liberties: “As Moses and the persecuted, desperate people raced across Egypt, they came to the Red Sea. After giving a quick thanks to the Lord, Moses then called out, “Manny! Manny!”
From the crowd came Manny, a publicity staff man, “Yes Moses?”
“The Boats!” said Moses.
“The boats. The boats you were suppose to arrange - to get us across the Red Sea?!”
“Oh, my God!” said Manny. “Moses with all the news items and human interest stories - I forgot!”
“You forgot the boats?!” cried Moses. “You idiot! The Egyptians will be here any minute! What do you expect me to do - ask God to part the waters, let all of us across, and drown the pursuing Egyptians? Is that what you think -”
”Boss,” said Manny with enthusiasm, “you do just that!. It will be at least worth two pages in the Bible!”
The individuals and groups in the Bible did not do what is recorded to get their names in print. They were simply reacting to their current circumstances, with what ever faith in God they possessed. They weren’t seeking fifteen minutes of fame. They were merely doing their jobs and living life.
The real lesson of this tongue-in-cheek story? Even though we may forget something vital in serving God and the people, God will pull it out of the fire, if it is important enough to God. The story also helps us to remember that many great ideas and acts of faith come out of ordinary circumstances. And each and every time ordinary people are involved.
Not many people have even two Biblical pages, let alone even more. When you think about the millions of people involved in the stories from beginning to end, this is astounding. In fact only a small fraction of the characters even got their names mentioned. But make no mistake, Manny and his friends were in every great crowd and at every miracle recorded in holy scripture.
And each and everyone of them, imperfect as they may or may not be, were vital to the message of God recorded. After all if Moses had lifted his arms to part the sea and only three people went across, would you read the story or go to see the movie? I think not.
It is important to know, that whatever our role in life, it is important for the story of God’s work on Earth. So do your particular job the best you can and don’t worry, God will step in, if it is important enough and really needed.
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